Sunday, 15 July 2018

About internet progress

when i think about my finish report,

i think many idea, so when i use my computer.

suddenly, i  think the development of the Internet

internet is so larger in the modern world

the problem now facing humanity is ; what is going to be done with internet?

as is so often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil.

So,  i think it is great theme.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

I want to go my home

The term is coming to an end.

I am so happy.

Because I can return my hometown, and eat China food.

Life in Japan is wonderful,

but after all, it is not my hometown, or not used to it.

At the end of the term, I always want not go to school

and I have a lot of prepare foe the text.

I hope to finish the exam early,

so I can go home early.

I hope to graduate early, and I want to have a job.

I do not like being a student, it no challenge and not passion.

About internet progress

when i think about my finish report, i think many idea, so when i use my computer. suddenly, i  think the development of the Internet ...